Pierre Kobes (Kobes Consulting), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Ron Zahavi (Auron Technologies) IoT Security Maturity Model: NIST Cybersecurity Framework 1.1 Mappings, 27 March 2024 Industry IoT Consortium.
Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Ron Zahavi (Auron Technologies), Lehlogonolo Ledwaba (Mandela Mining Precinct) Guidance for Creating IoT Security Maturity Model Profiles, 29 February 2024 Industry IoT Consortium.
Lehlogonolo Ledwaba (Mandela Mining Precinct), Carel Kruger (Mandela Mining Precinct), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Ron Zahavi (Auron Technologies) IoT Security Maturity Model Mining Extraction Profile, 7 February 2024 Industry IoT Consortium.
Eric Cosman (OIT Concepts), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Pierre Kobes (Kobes Consulting), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft). IoT Security Maturity Model: 62443 Mappings for Asset Owners, Product Suppliers and Service Providers (updated), 9 August 2023 Industry IoT Consortium and International Society of Automation.
Keao Caindec (Farallon Technology Group), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems), Bassam Zarkout (IGnPower), Sven Schrecker (Amazon Web Services), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Isaac Dungana (Red Alert Labs), Robert Martin (MITRE), Mitch Tseng (Tseng Info) Industry Internet of Things Security Framework (IISF), Version 2.0 12 June 2023 Industry IoT Consortium
John Fornehed (Ericsson), Keao Caindec (Farallon), David Meier (Fraunhofer), Xinxin Fan (IoTeX), Mitch Tseng (Tseng InfoServ), Ben Smeets (Ericsson), Ilhan Gurel (Ericsson), Paul Bradley (Arm), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Jeff Shiner (Micron), Hanu Kommalapti (Microsoft), Alex B. Ferraro (PwC) Automated Onboarding and Device Provisioning Best Practices 4 October 2022 Industry IoT Consortium
Eric Cosman (OIT Concepts), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Pierre Kobes (Kobes Consulting), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft). IoT Security Maturity Model: 62443 Mappings for Asset Owners, Product Suppliers and Service Providers. 16 August 2022 Industry IoT Consortium and International Society of Automation.
Jon Geater (Jitsuin), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Detlev Richter (TÜV SÜD), Michael Robkin (Six By Six), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft) IoT Security Maturity Model Digital Twin Profile. 20 June 2022 Industry IoT Consortium
Eric Cosman (OIT Concepts), Jim Gilsinn (Dragos), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Pierre Kobes (Kobes Consulting), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft) IoT Security Maturity Model: 62443 Mappings for Asset Owners and Product Suppliers 5 May 2022 (Subsequently updated) Industry IoT Consortium and International Society of Automation.
Marcellus Buchheit (WIBU-Systems), Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Robert A. Martin (MITRE), Dr. Vincent Bemmel (Corlina), Antonio J Espinosa (Corlina), Bassam Zarkout (IGnPower), Charles F. Hart (Hitachi), Mitch Tseng (Tseng InfoServ) The Industrial Internet of Things Trustworthiness Framework Foundations 15 July 2021 Industrial Internet Consortium
Frederick Hirsch (Upham Security), Andy Mattice (Lexmark), Bart McGlothin (Cisco), Leonid Rubhakin (Aptos), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft) IoT SMM: Retail Profile for Point-of-Sale Devices 1 August 2020 Industrial Internet Consortium and Object Management Group (OMG)
Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Jim Morrish (Co-Chair Business Strategy and Solution Lifecycle Working Group), Bassam Zarkout (IGnPower), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems) The Industrial Internet of Things: Managing and Assessing Trustworthiness for IIoT in Practice 29 July 2020 Industrial Internet Consortium
Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu) Enabling Digital Transformation with IoT Performance and Properties Measurement , Version 1.0, 5 May 2020, Industrial Internet Consortium. (Executive Summary)
Sandy Carielli (Entrust Datacard), Matthew Eble (Praetorian), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft) IoT Security Maturity Model (SMM): Description and Intended Use , Version 1.2, 5 May 2020, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Sandy Carielli (Entrust Datacard), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky Lab), Matthew Eble (Praetorian), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft) IoT Security Maturity Model (SMM): Practitioner's Guide, Version 1.2, 5 May 2020, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems), Mark Hermeling (GrammaTech), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Bob Martin (MITRE), Simon Rix (Irdeto) Software Trustworthiness Best Practices, 23 March 2020, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Erin Bournival (Dell EMC), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems), Eric Simmon (NIST), Claude Baudoin (Industrial Internet Consortium), Birgit Boss (Bosch), Will Sobel (VIMANA), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu) The Industrial Internet of Things Vocabulary Technical Report, Version 2.2, 29 July 2019, Industrial Internet Consortium. (Document link is to latest version 3.0)
Jacques Durand (Fujitsu), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Jim Morrish (Co-Chair Business Strategy and Solution Lifecycle Working Group), Bassam Zarkout (IGnPower), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems) The Industrial Internet of Things: Managing and Assessing Trustworthiness for IIoT in Practice, 29 July 2019, Industrial Internet Consortium. (Related Information)
Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems), Will Hickie (Irdeto), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Sven Schrecker (LHP), Bassam Zarkout (IGNPower). AI Trustworthiness Challenges and Opportunities Related to IIoT, June 2019, Industrial Internet Consortium, in IIC Journal of Innovation: Artificial Intelligence
Sandy Carielli (Entrust Datacard), Matthew Eble (Praetorian), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky Lab), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft Azure IoT) IoT Security Maturity Model: Practitioner’s Guide , Version 1.0, 25 February 2019, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Authors: Sandy Carielli (Entrust Datacard), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky Lab), Hamed Soroush (RTI), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft Azure IoT) Editors: Sandy Carielli (Entrust Datacard), Matthew Eble (Praetorian Group), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Ekaterina Rudina (Kaspersky Lab), Hamed Soroush (RTI), Ron Zahavi (Microsoft Azure IoT) IoT Security Maturity Model: Description and Intended Use, Version 1.1, 15 February 2019, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Marcellus Buchheit, Wibu-Systems USA; Frederick Hirsch, Fujitsu; Sven Schrecker, LHP Engineering Solutions. A Short Introduction into Trustworthiness in the Ninth Edition of the Journal of Innovation - Trustworthiness, September 2018, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Jacques Durand, Fujitsu; Frederick Hirsch, Fujitsu; Jim Morrish, Nokia. Using Metrics in the Industrial IoT Data Value Chain to Drive Trustworthiness in the Ninth Edition of the Journal of Innovation - Trustworthiness, September 2018, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Frederick Hirsch, Fujitsu; Ron Zahavi, Microsoft; Sandy Carielli, Entrust Datacard; Ekaterina Rudina, Kaspersky Lab; Matthew Eble, Praetorian Group. Extending the IIC IoT Security Maturity Model to Trustworthiness in the Ninth Edition of the Journal of Innovation - Trustworthiness, September 2018, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Frederick Hirsch, Fujitsu; Dr. Qinqing Zhang, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Andrew King, University of Pennsylvania; Semen Kort, Kaspersky Lab. Key Safety Challenges for the Industrial Internet of Things – Executive Summary in the Ninth Edition of the Journal of Innovation - Trustworthiness, September 2018, Industrial Internet Consortium.
Anish Karmarkar (Oracle), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu), Erin Bournival (Dell EMC), Marcellus Buchheit (Wibu-Systems), Eric Simmon (NIST), Will Sobel (VIMANA), Rajive Joshi (RTI), Sven Schrecker (Intel), et al Industrial Internet of Things Volume G8: Vocabulary, 22 August 2018, Industrial Internet Consortium, IIC:PUB:G8:V2.1:PB:20180822. (Document link is to latest version 3.0)
Qinqing Zhang (Johns Hopkins University), Andrew King (University of Pennsylvania), Frederick Hirsch (Fujitsu) and Semen Kort (Kaspersky Lab) Key Safety Challenges for the IIoT, 1 December 2017, Industrial Internet Consortium, IIC:WHT:IN6:V1.0:PB:20171201.
Schrecker, S; Soroush, H, Molina, J; Buchheit, M; LeBlanc, JP; Martin, R; Hirsch, F; Ginter, A; Banavara, H; Eswarahally, S; Raman, K; King A; Zhang, Q; MacKay P; Witten B. Industrial Internet of Things Volume G4: Security Framework, 26 September 2016, Industrial Internet Consortium, IIC:PUB:G4:V1.0:PB:20160926, see also description.
"Position Paper for Annotation Workshop". Footnotes, comments, bookmarks, and marginalia on the Web; A W3C Workshop on Annotations (report). 2 April 2014, San Francisco, California (USA). Frederick Hirsch, Vlad Stirbu https://www.w3.org/2014/04/annotation/submissions/annotation-position-hirsch.html
"Position Paper for W3C Workshop "Publishing and the Open Web Platform"". Publishing and the Open Web Platform (report) . 16-17 September 2013, Centre Pompidou, Paris. Frederick Hirsch, Vlad Stirbu, Joonas Hintikka https://www.w3.org/2012/12/global-publisher/statements-of-interest/09-nokia-position-publishing-owp.html
W3C XML Security 1.1 Recommendations:
- D. Eastlake; J. Reagle; D. Solo; F. Hirsch; T. Roessler; K. Yiu. XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1. 11 April 2013. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-xmldsig-core1-20130411/
This document specifies XML digital signature processing rules and syntax. XML Signatures provide integrity, message authentication, and/or signer authentication services for data of any type, whether located within the XML that includes the signature or elsewhere.
- Reagle; D. Eastlake; F. Hirsch; T. Roessler. XML Encryption Syntax and Processing Version 1.1. 11 April 2013. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-xmlenc-core1-20130411/
This document specifies a process for encrypting data and representing the result in XML. The data may be in a variety of formats, including octet streams and other unstructured data, or structured data formats such as XML documents, an XML element, or XML element content. The result of encrypting data is an XML Encryption element that contains or references the cipher data.
- Frederick Hirsch. XML Signature Properties. 11 April 2013. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-xmldsig-properties-20130411/
This document outlines the syntax and processing rules and an associated namespace for properties to be used in XML Signatures. These can be composed with any version of XML Signature using the XML SignatureProperties element. These properties are intended to meet code signing requirements.
W3C Working Group Notes related to XML Security 1.1:
- Frederick Hirsch; Thomas Roessler. XML Security 1.1 Requirements and Design Considerations. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlsec-reqs-20130411/
This document summarizes scenarios, design decisions, and requirements for the XML Signature and Canonical XML specifications, to guide ongoing W3C work to revise these specifications.
- Frederick Hirsch. Functional Explanation of Changes in XML Signature 1.1. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmldsig-core1-explain-20130411/
This document provides a summary of non-editorial changes in XML Signature 1.1 from the previous XML Signature Recommendation.
- Frederick Hirsch. Functional Explanation of in XML Encryption 1.1. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlenc-core1-explain-20130411/
This document provides a summary of non-editorial changes in XML Encryption 1.1 from the previous XML Encryption Recommendation.
- Thomas Roessler; Frederick Hirsch; Kelvin Yiu. XML Security Algorithm Cross-Reference. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlsec-algorithms-20130411/
This document summarizes XML Security algorithm URI identifiers and the specifications associated with them.
- Magnus Nyström; Frederick Hirsch. XML Security Generic Hybrid Ciphers. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlsec-generic-hybrid-20130411/
This document specifies an XML syntax and processing rules for generic hybrid ciphers and key encapsulation mechanisms and reserves identifiers for algorithms.
- Makoto Murata; Frederick Hirsch. XML Security RELAX NG Schemas. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlsec-rngschema-20130411/
This document provides non-normative RELAX NG schemas in the compact syntax as well as the XML syntax.
- Pratik Datta; Frederick Hirsch. XML Signature Best Practices. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmldsig-bestpractices-20130411/
This document collects best practices for implementers and users of the XML Signature specification, some of which to improve security and mitigate attacks.
W3C Working Group Notes concluding XML Security 2.0 (non-normative):
- Frederick Hirsch; Pratik Datta. XML Security 2.0 Requirements and Design Considerations. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlsec-reqs2-20130411/
This document outlines use cases, requirements and design choices for XML Security 2.0, specifically Canonical XML 2.0 and XML Signature 2.0. It includes a proposed simplification of the XML Signature Transform mechanism, intended to enhance security, performance, streamability and to ease adoption.
- D. Eastlake; J. Reagle; D. Solo; F. Hirsch; T. Roessler; K. Yiu; P. Datta; S. Cantor. XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 2.0. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmldsig-core2-20130411/
This informative W3C Working Group Note describes XML digital signature processing rules and syntax. XML Signatures provide integrity, message authentication, and/or signer authentication services for data of any type, whether located within the XML that includes the signature or elsewhere.
XML Signature 2.0 includes a new Reference processing model designed to address additional requirements including performance, simplicity and streamability. This "2.0 mode" model is significantly different than the XML Signature 1.x model in that it explicitly defines selection, canonicalization and verification steps for data processing and disallows generic transforms. XML Signature 2.0 is designed to be backward compatible through the inclusion of a "Compatibility Mode" which enables the XML Signature 1.x model to be used where necessary.
- John Boyer; Glen Marcy; Pratik Datta; Frederick Hirsch. Canonical XML Version 2.0. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xml-c14n2-20130411/
This informative W3C Working Group Note describes Canonical XML Version 2.0, a canonicalization algorithm for XML Signature 2.0. It addresses issues around performance, streaming, hardware implementation, robustness, minimizing attack surface, determining what is signed and more.
- Pratik Datta; Frederick Hirsch; Meiko Jensen. XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmldsig-xpath-20130411/
This informative W3C Working Group Note describes a streamable profile of XPath 1.0 suitable for use with XML Signature 2.0.
- Frederick Hirsch. XML Encryption 1.1 CipherReference Processing Using 2.0 Transforms. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xmlenc-transform20-20130411/
This informative W3C Working Group Note describes specifies how the XML Signature 2.0 transform model may be used with XML Encryption 1.1 for CipherReference processing.
- Pratik Datta; Frederick Hirsch. Test Cases for Canonical XML 2.0. 11 April 2013. W3C Working Group Note. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-xml-c14n2-testcases-20130411/
This document outlines test cases for Canonical XML 2.0.
Additional workshop position papers:
"eBooks: Great Expectations for Web Standards W3C Workshop Position Paper", Ebooks: Great Expectations for Web Standards A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform (report). 11-12 February 2013,New York, USA. Frederick Hirsch, Jari Alvinen. https://www.w3.org/2012/08/electronic-books/submissions/webooks2013_submission_6.html (PDF)
"Web Application Privacy Best Practices", W3C Working Group Note 03 July 2012; Frederick Hirsch, https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/NOTE-app-privacy-bp-20120703/
"Importance and Impact of Requirements on Technical Solutions for Identity". W3C Workshop on Identity in the Browser. 24/25th May 2011, Mountain View (USA). Frederick Hirsch https://www.w3.org/2011/identity-ws/papers/idbrowser2011_submission_31.html
"Web Tracking and User Privacy Workshop - Importance of User Intent". W3C Workshop on Web Tracking and User Privacy. 28/29 April 2011, Princeton, NJ, USA. 28/29 April 2011; Frederick Hirsch. https://www.w3.org/2011/track-privacy/papers/Nokia-Hirsch.html
"Device API Access Control Use Cases and Requirements", W3C Working Group Note. 17 March 2011; Laura Arribas, Frederick Hirsch, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux. https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/NOTE-dap-policy-reqs-20110317/
"Device APIs and Privacy", Future of Mobile Web Applications - W3C Device API Day 2011, Seoul, 17 March 2011; https://fjhirsch.com/Papers/2011-03-17-hirsch-seoul-workshop.pdf
"Internet Privacy Workshop Position Paper: Privacy and Device APIs". Internet Privacy Workshop: How can Technology help to improve Privacy on the Internet? 8-9 December 2010 at MIT CSAIL. IAB workshop on Internet Privacy, jointly organized with the W3C, ISOC, and MIT CSAIL. 5 November 2010; Frederick Hirsch. https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-privacyws-internet-privacy-workshop-position-paper-privacy-and-device-apis-00.pdf
"Position Paper: Privacy and Policy in the DAP WG a DAP Perspective", W3C Workshop on Privacy and data usage control 04/05 October 2010, Cambridge (MA). 2 September 2010; Frederick Hirsch, Robin Berjon. https://www.w3.org/2010/policy-ws/papers/14-Hirsch-Berjon-DAP.html
"Device API Privacy Requirements", W3C Working Group Note. 29 June 2010; Alissa Cooper, Frederick Hirsch, John Morris. https://www.w3.org/TR/2010/NOTE-dap-privacy-reqs-20100629/
"Privacy Workshop Position Paper - The DAP Perspective", W3C Workshop on Privacy for Advanced Web APIs 12/13 July 2010, London. 4 June 2010 Robin Berjon, Frederick Hirsch https://www.w3.org/2010/api-privacy-ws/papers/privacy-ws-11.html
"Critical issues in the practical use of digital signatures", OASIS Open Standards Forum 2008; 1 October 2008 Frederick Hirsch; http://events.oasis-open.org/home/sites/events.oasis-open.org.home/files/Hirsch.pdf
"XML Signature Syntax and Processing (Second Edition)", W3C Recommendation, 10 June 2008; Donald Eastlake, Joseph Reagle, David Solo, Frederick Hirsch (2nd edition), Thomas Roessler (2nd Edition); https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xmldsig-core-20080610/
"What’s new with XML Signature", IDTRUST 2008: 7th Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet, Program and Proceedings - RUMP Session, IDtrust 5 March 2008. Frederick Hirsch; What’s new with XML Signature
"Web Services Policy 1.5 - Guidelines for Policy Assertion Authors", W3C Working Group Note 12 November 2007; Asir Vedamuthu, David Orchard, Frederick Hirsch, Maryann Hondo, Prasad Yendluri, Toufic Boubez, Ümit Yalçinalp; https://www.w3.org/TR/2007/NOTE-ws-policy-guidelines-20071112/
"Web Services Policy 1.5 - Primer", W3C Working Group Note 12 November 2007; Asir Vedamuthu, David Orchard, Frederick Hirsch, Maryann Hondo, Prasad Yendluri, Toufic Boubez, Ümit Yalçinalp; https://www.w3.org/TR/2007/NOTE-ws-policy-primer-20071112/
"Workshop Report: W3C Workshop on Next Steps for XML Signature and XML Encryption", W3C Report, 27 September 2008; Frederick Hirsch, Thomas Roessler (and workshop participants) https://www.w3.org/2007/xmlsec/ws/report.html
"Web Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment", W3C Recommendation 04 September 2007; Asir Vedamuthu, David Orchard, Frederick Hirsch, Maryann Hondo, Prasad Yendluri, Toufic Boubez, Ümit Yalçinalp; https://www.w3.org/TR/2007/REC-ws-policy-attach-20070904/
"Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework", W3C Recommendation 04 September 2007; Asir Vedamuthu, David Orchard, Frederick Hirsch, Maryann Hondo, Prasad Yendluri, Toufic Boubez, Ümit Yalçinalp; https://www.w3.org/TR/2007/REC-ws-policy-20070904/
"WSDL 1.1 Element Identifiers", W3C Working Group Note 20 July 2007; Asir Vedamuthu, David Orchard, Frederick Hirsch, Maryann Hondo, Prasad Yendluri, Toufic Boubez, Ümit Yalçinalp; https://www.w3.org/TR/2007/NOTE-wsdl11elementidentifiers-20070720/
"Security and Privacy Considerations for the OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0", OASIS Standard, 15 March 2005; Frederick Hirsch, Rob Philpott, Eve Maler; http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-sec-consider-2.0-os.pdf
Book: "Managing Mobile Services: Technologies and Business Practices", March 2005, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-02144-6 , Ulla Koivukoski (Editor), Vilho Räisänen (Editor), https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Managing+Mobile+Services%3A+Technologies+and+Business+Practices-p-9780470021446
Contributed to two chapters:
- 5. Standardization Related to Service Management (Margareta Björksten, Péter Dornbach, Frederick Hirsch, Valtteri Niemi, Pertti Pielismaa, Peeter Pruuden, and Vilho Räisänen).
- 9. Trends For the Future (Margareta Björksten, Péter Dornbach, Sonja Hilavuo, Frederick Hirsch, Tuija Hurtta, Ulla Koivukoski, Elena Lialiamou, Gábor Marton, Zoltán Németh, Valtteri Niemi, Pertti Pielismaa, Peeter Pruuden, Vilho Räisänen, and Mikko Ruhanen).
"OMA Web Services Enabler (OWSER): Core Specifications", Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), Approved Version 1.0 - 15 Jul 2004; Frederick Hirsch and others; OMA-OWSER-Core-Specification-V1_0-20040316-C.pdf, Owser site OMA Web Services>
"OMA Web Services Enabler (OWSER): Overview", Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), Approved Version 1.0 - 15 Jul 2004; Frederick Hirsch and others; OMA-OWSER-Overview-V1_0-20040316-C.pdf, Owser site OMA Web Services
"XML Key Management (XKMS 2.0) Requirements", W3C Note 05 May 2003; Frederick Hirsch, Mike Just; https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/NOTE-xkms2-req-20030505
"Getting Started With XML Security", 2002 (updated 28 February 2005); Frederick Hirsch; https://fjhirsch.com/xml/xmlsec/starting-xml-security.html
"TurboJ, a Java Bytecode-to-Native Compiler", Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 1474, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, Pages: 119 - 130,ISBN:3-540-65075-X, 1998; Michael Weiss, François de Ferrière, Bertrand Delsart, Christian Fabre, Frederick Hirsch, E. Andrew Johnson, Vania Joloboff, Fred Roy, Fridtjof Siebert, Xavier Spengler; https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/646905.710493
"Teams, Tasks, and Notices: Managing Collaboration via the World Wide Web", WebNet97 Conference. 1997; Charles L. Brooks, Frederick J. Hirsch, W. Scott Meeks; The paper is available at https://fjhirsch.com/Papers/webnet/paper.html. Conference and bibliographic information at https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/webnet/webnet1997.html.
"Staying in the Loop: Multicast Asynchronous Notification for Intranet Webs", Australia WWW Technical Conference, May 7-9, 1997; W. Scott Meeks, Charles L. Brooks, Frederick J. Hirsch; A copy is available at https://fjhirsch.com/Papers/aw3tc/notif.html.
"Creating Custom Graphical Web Views Based on User Browsing History" Sixth International World Wide Web Conference, poster presentation, 7 May 1997; Frederick J. Hirsch, W. Scott Meeks, Charles L. Brooks; A copy is available on the conference CD-ROM, and also at https://fjhirsch.com/Papers/www6/poster/paper/hg.html
"Building a Graphical Web History Using Tcl/Tk", Fifth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop poster presentation, July 14-17, 1997.; Frederick J. Hirsch; Tied for Second best poster. Information on the workshop is available at https://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/tcl97/technical.html , and a copy of the poster abstract is available at https://fjhirsch.com/Papers/tcl97/webhist.html
"Introduction to SSL and Certificates using SSLeay",World Wide Web Journal, Summer 1997; Frederick Hirsch;O'Reilly See Alibris for information on the printed version, and https://fjhirsch.com/Papers/wwwj/index.html for an online version.